Come to our Group Meetings, Mondays at 5pm.
Welcome to our group specializing in solid-state inorganic chemistry. Our research encompasses a wide range of areas, including exploratory synthesis in chalcogenides and multianionic materials, thermoelectric applications, hard radiation detectors, and the discovery of hybrid perovskite materials for solar cells. We invite you to explore our website and delve into our exciting research endeavors.
Our objective is to advance and broaden the "exploratory synthesis" and "synthesis science loop" to bolster materials design, discovery, and synthetic methodology.
Professor Mercouri Kanatzidis was recently elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences! Learn more about this honor here.
The International Mineralogical Society recently named a new mineral discovered in Hungary Kanatzidisite, in recognition of the contributions Professor Mercouri Kanatzidis has made in the field of chalcogenide chemistry. This mineral has the formula (BiSbS3)2Te2. Learn more about Kanatzidisite here and here!
Professor Mercouri Kanatzidis was given the 2023 Centerary Prize for pioneering contributions to the synthesis and development of novel semiconducting halide perovskites for application in solar energy conversion! Learn more here.
Professor Mercouri Kanatzidis was recently elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences! Learn more about this honor here.
Congratulations to Dr. Jason Khoury at Arizona State University, Dr Abishek Iyer at the University of Manitoba, and Dr. Xiaotong Li at North Carolina State University, who have accepted positions at these major universities!

Meet the group at Argonne
You can find old group photos on the alumni page found here.
Want to know how to make alkali metal chalcogenides like potassium sulfide or sodium selenide? Check out our how to video here!